Sunday 21 October 2012

Digital Logic -Sequential Logic

Digital LogicDigital LogicDDigital Logic-Sequential Logic

Sequential circuits use current input variables and previous input variables by   storeing the information and putting back into the circuit on the next clock (activation) cycle.
  -Output determined by inputs
   and previous outputs(memory)
 -Feedback loop.

Flip-flop has the storage element where the stated this element is a function of the previous inputs to the circuit.
-store data on a rising or falling trigger edge
-Basis of important computer components:
 * memory
 * counter
(Set-Reset) SR Flip Flop Truth table.
-Values vary over time. 

- S(t), R(t), Q(t) denote value at time t.

timing diagram for SR flip-flop

- Fundamental abstraction.
*regular on-off pulse
-External analog device.
-Synchronizes operations of different circuit elements.
- 1 GHz clock means 1 billion pulses per second.
• Sequential circuits that are regulated by a clock
   signal are said to be synchronous.

  Basic Flip Flop

• A register is an array of flip-flops that is used to
store or manipulate the bits of a digital word.
Example: Serial-In, Parallel-Out Shift Register

• Logic gates can be interconnected to form flipflops.
• Interconnections of flip-flops form registers.
• A complex digital system such as a computer
consists of many gates, flip-flops, and registers. 
Thus, logic gates are the basic building blocks
for complex digital systems.


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