A mathematical
tool used in describing, analyzing, designing and implementing digital
circuits. A Boolean algebra is the combinations of variables and operators. It
has one or more inputs and produces an output in the range of 0 or 1. The complement
of a variable is shown by a bar over the letter.
Boolean equation
can be represented in two forms:
l Boolean Addition (Sum-of-products(SOP)
It is equivalent
to the OR operation. A sum term is
produced by an OR operation with no AND operations involved. A sum term is
equal to 1 when one or more of the literals in the term are 1. A sum term is
equal to 0 only if each of the literals is 0.
l Boolean Multiplication (Product-of –sums(POS))
It is equivalent
to the AND operation. A product term is produced by an AND operation with no OR
operations involved. A sum term is equal to 1 if each of the literals in the
term is 1. A sum term is equal to 0 when one or more of literals are 0.
Boolean Function
l Binary variables/literals (complemented or not)
l Binary operators : (+→ OR) and ( · → AND)
l Unary
operator : ( ‘ →
NO )
l Equal
l Parentheses
Example :
Table Basic Laws
of Boolean Algebra
AND Form
OR Form
Identity Law
A·1 = A
A+0 = A
Zero and One Law
A·0 = 0
A+1 = 1
Inverse Law
A·A’ = 0
A+A’ = 1
Idempotent Law
A·A = A
A+A = A
Commutative Law
A·B = B·A
A+B = B+A
Associative Law
A·(B·C) = (A·B)
A+(B+C) = (A+B) + C
Distributive Law
A+(B·C) = (
| |
A(A+B) =A
A+A·B = A
A+A’B = A+B
DeMorgan’s Law
(A·B)’ = A’+B’
(A+B)’= A’·B’
Double Complement Law
Other example
Law of Boolean Algebra
Absorption Law
A+A·B = A·1+A·B
= A·(1·B)
= A+(0·B)
= A·1
= A =A
A+A’B = (A+B’) ·(A+B) A·(A’+B)
= A·A’+A·B A·B+A·B’
= A·(B+B’) (A+B)
·(A+B’) = A+(B+B’)
= 1·(A+B) = 0+A·B =
A·1 = A+0
=A+B =A·B =A
Karnaugh Maps
A Karnaugh map is two-dimensional truth-table.
inputs A and B can take on values of either 0 or 1,
high or low, open or closed, True or False, as the case may be. There are 22
= 4 combinations of inputs producing an output. These four outputs may be
observed on a lamp in the relay ladder logic, on a logic probe on the gate
diagram. These outputs may be recorded in the truth table, or in the Karnaugh map. Look at the Karnaugh map as being a
rearranged truth table. The Output of the Boolean equation may be computed by
the laws of Boolean algebra and transfered to the truth table or Karnaugh map.
Karnaugh map is
organized so that we may see that commonality.
Rules of
1. No zeros allowed.
2. No
3. Only power of 2
number of cells in each group.
7.Wrap around
8.Fewest number of groups possible.
Example to grouping the 1s
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