Sunday 21 October 2012

Arithmetics For Computers (Number System & Operations) - Floating Point Representation

Floating Point Representation :  i)  very small numbers
                                                ii) very large numbers

Floating point has it’s own standard :
1         .       Define by IEEE Std.
2         .       Almost adopted globally
3         .       Contain of 2 representation :-
-          Single precisions
-          Double precisions

IEEE floating has it’s own format :
31   30                               23 22                                0

Exponent (E)
Fraction (F)

FORMULA is : X=(-1)s * (1+ Fraction) * 2(exponent – bias)

S can be 2 values 0 or 1
If 0 means is non negative
If 1 means is negative
The exponent  E  is the power 2 must be raised to in the scientific notation of number.
The exponent is biased with value 127 and the range is between “[(-126) – 127]”
For exponent    -  single : 8 bits
                        -  double : 11 bits
For fraction  -  single :  23 bits
                    -  double :  52 bits
Exponent is excess representation , also can be written as “actual exponent+bias”
-          This is to ensure the exponent is unsigned
-          In single : bias = 127
In double : bias = 1203
Normalized significand :-

  •          The value is between  1.0 < significand <2.0
  •          Always has a leading pre-binary-point 1 bit
  •       Significand is FRACTION with “1“ restored.


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